II. Gravitation,
mécanique quantique dans un champ de gravitation
Gravitation, quantum mechanics in a gravitational field
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N.B. : La plupart des publications sont accessibles par un lien, surtout celles du thème II.
I. Mécanique des milieux continus hétérogènes, Homogénéisation en mécanique des matériaux
A. Revues à comité de lecture / Refereed Journals
A1. M.A. : " Théorie d’une classe de modèles de Taylor " hétérogènes ". Application aux textures de déformation des aciers ", Acta metall. 35, N° 3, 615-630, 1987.
A2. M.A., " Sur le champ de rotation des cristaux dans un polycristal déformé plastiquement ", J. Méc. Théor. Appl. 6, N° 4, 511-523, 1987.
A3. M.A., C. Donadille, " Présentation d’un modèle polycristallin extrémal. Application aux aciers d’un modèle approché ", Mém. Et. Sc. Rev. Métall. 87, N° 6, 359-382, 1990.
A4. M.A., " Limit distributions of the states and homogenization in random media ", Acta Mechanica 88, 27-59, 1991.
A5. M.A., B. Bacroix, " On plastic potentials for anisotropic metals and their derivation from the texture function ", Acta Mechanica 88, 219-243, 1991.
A6. M.A., " Macro-homogeneous strain fields with arbitrary local inhomogeneity ", Arch. Mech. 43, N° 2-3, 191-214, 1991.
A7. M.A., " A regular form of the Schmid law. Application to the ambiguity problem ", Textures and Microstructures 14-18, 1121-1128, 1991.
A10. M.A., T. Chambard, S. Turgeman, " Homogénéisation d’un mortier avec une répartition aléatoire de fibres ", C.-R. Acad. Sci. Paris 316, Sér. II, 1505-1510, 1993.
A11. M.A., B. Bacroix, D. Imbault, J.L. Raphanel, " A fourth-order plastic potential for anisotropic metals and its analytical calculation from the texture function ", Acta Mechanica 107, 33-51, 1994.
A12. M.A., T. Chambard, S. Turgeman, " Variational micro-macro transition, with application to reinforced mortars ", Int. J. Solids Structures 31, N° 5, 683-704, 1994.
A13. D. Ceccaldi, F. Yala, T. Baudin, R. Penelle, F. Royer, M.A., " Deformation textures and plastic anisotropy of steels, as predicted by the Taylor model and a non-homogeneous model ", Int. J. Plasticity 10, N° 6, 643-661, 1994.
A14. M.A., D. Imbault, " An analytical micro-macro model for textured polycrystals at large plastic strains ", Int. J. Plasticity 10, N° 7, 825-847, 1994.
A17. M.A., D. Imbault, " Variational micro-macro model and deformation textures predicted for steels ", Textures and Microstructures 26-27 (the Hsun Hu memory volume), 191-220, 1996 (sur invitation du Prof. H.J. Bunge, éditeur en chef).
A21. M.A., B. Guessab, " A model with two micro-scales for the effects of geometrical distribution of material inhomogeneity ", Acta Mechanica 134, 61-79, 1999.
A24. M.A., D. Imbault, "Maximum entropy principle and texture formation", Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 80, Suppl. N°1, 13-16 (2000). Slides of the corresponding talk at GAMM Congress (Metz 1999).
A27. O Gagliardini, M.A., D.
Imbault, "An inhomogeneous model applied to predict the behaviour of
isotropic polycrystalline ice", Arch. Mech. 53,
N°1, 3-21 (2001).
B. Actes de
congrès avec comité de lecture (Mécanique)
Refereed congress
proceedings (Mechanics)
B1. M.A., J.P. Boehler, " Comportement plastique et texture cristallographique des métaux anisotropes ", Coll. Int. C.N.R.S., n° 319 (Villard-de-Lans, 1981). Texte in " Plastic Behavior of Anisotropic Solids", (J.P. Boehler, édr.), Ed. du C.N.R.S., 1985, pp. 133-155.
B2. M.A., " Effects of the loading path on the anisotropic strain-hardening of sheet metals ", Coll. Int. C.N.R.S. N° 351 (Villard-de-Lans, 1983). Texte in " Failure Criteria of Structured Media " (J.P. Boehler, édr.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993, pp. 339-351.
B3. M.A., " Explicit relationships between texture coefficients and three-dimensional yield criteria of metals ", 7th Int. Conf. Text. Mat. (ICOTOM 7, Noordwijkerhout, 1984). C.M. Brakman et al., éds., Netherlands Soc. Mater. Sci., Zwijndrecht, 1984, pp. 31-37.
B4. M.A., C. Donadille, " Comparison between experimental deformation textures of extra-mild steels and textures calculated by an extremum-based theoretical model for polycristals ", 8th Int. Conf. Text. Mat. (ICOTOM 8, Santa Fé, 1987). J.S. Kallend, G. Gottstein, éds., the Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, 1988, pp. 387-393.
B5. M.A., J.L. Chenot, " An implicit formulation for finite element analysis of dynamic plastic deformation in 2D geometry ", NUMETA 87 : International Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering : Theory and Applications (Swansea, 1987). G. N. Pande & J. Middleton, éds., Martinus Nijhoff, 1987, T 2/1-10.
B6. C. Dumont, C. Levaillant, M.A., J.L. Chenot " Modelling of dynamic tension tests applied to ductility problems ", DYMAT 88 (Ajaccio, 1988). Texte in Journal de Physique, Supplém. au n° 9, 49, 1988, C3/505-512.
B7. M.A., D. Imbault : " Does a polycrystal model disclose a single plastic spin ? ", Coll. Int. Mécamat '91 (Fontainebleau, 1991). Texte in " Large Plastic Deformations " (C. Teodosiu, J.L. Raphanel, F. Sidoroff, éds.), Balkema, 1993, pp. 89-99.
B8. M.A., D. Imbault, " Analytical micro-macro model of anisotropic plasticity at large strains ", Invited Paper, 4th. Int. Symp. Plasticity and Its Current Applications (Baltimore, 1993). Texte à paraître (A.S. Khan, édr.).
B9. M.A., A. Bottero, B. Guessab, S. Turgeman, " Comments on a variational micro-macro model for random composites and the integration of microstructural data ", Invited Lecture, Symposium Int. Union Theoret. Appl. Mech. (IUTAM) " Microstructure-property interactions in composite materials " (Aalborg, Danemark, 23-25 Août 1994). Texte in Actes du Symp. (R. Pyrz, édr.), pp. 1-14. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1995).
B10. M.A., D. Imbault, " On variational micro-macro models and their application to polycrystals ", Invited Paper, 5th. Int. Symp. Plasticity and Its Current Applications (Osaka, 17-21 Juillet 1995). Texte in Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, Proceedings Plasticity ‘95 (Sh. Tanimura et A. S. Khan, édrs.), pp. 245-248. Gordon and Breach, Luxembourg (1995). Slides
B11. M.A., D. Imbault, " Un modèle micro-macro variationnel et ses prédictions pour les hétérogénéités et textures de déformation (aciers) ", Conférence invitée, 9ème Colloque Annuel Mécamat : " Mécanismes et Mécanique des grandes déformations " (Aussois, 28/01-01/02 1996). Texte de 4 pages paru (textes rassemblés par G. Cailletaud, organisateur du Colloque). Transparents
B12. D. Imbault, M.A., " Deformation textures of fcc materials predicted with a regular form of the Schmid law", Int. Conf. Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (Clausthal, Allemagne, 1997). Texte in Materials Science Forum, 273-275, 1998, pp. 371-376.
B14. M.A., D Imbault, "Physical meaning and experimental check of a variational principle for macro-to-micro transition", Invited Lecture, Symposium Int. Union Theoret. Appl. Mech. (IUTAM) " Micro- and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity " (Bochum, Allemagne, 25-29 Août 1997). Text in " Micro- and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity " (O.T. Bruhns & E. Stein, éds.), pp. 197-206. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999) . Slides
B28. M. Najib, M.A., H. Smaoui, "Stochastic Homogenization of a Two-Dimensional Granular Medium", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (Tunis, December 2006) (to appear).
C. Talks without a complete paper in proceedings, or with a paper in non-refereed proceedings (Mechanics)
[Unless otherwise specified, I was the speaker]
C1. M.A., `` Utilisation des détecteurs
Si-Li pour l'analyse de l'élargissement des raies de diffraction X",
communication au Groupement pour l'Avancement des Méthodes
Spectroscopiques, Paris, 1982.
MOUSSY, D. RAULT, J.H. SCHMITT, ``Etude de l'écrouissage et de
l'évolution de la texture lors de la mise en forme de tôles minces
d'aciers extra-doux", Journées d'Automne 1984 de la Société Française
de Métallurgie. Résumé étendu dans Mém. Sci. Rev. Métall., Septembre
C3. M.A., J.P. BOEHLER, ``Strain dependence of plastic
behaviour and texture of metals", Colloque Euromech 183 (Villetaneuse,
1984)\,: ``Plasticity of Crystalline Media".
C4-C6. M.A.,
exposés d'avancement du G.I.S. ``Mise en Forme", thème 1A
``Microstructure et comportement des produits plats", aux colloques
d'Aussois de 1983, 1984, 1985, et aux réunions de la coordination
``Microstructure et Comportement" du GRECO CNRS ``Grandes Déformations
et Endommagement".
C7. M.A., ``An extremum-based model for
polycrystals. Application to the deformation textures of steels",
Colloque ``Theoretical Methods in Texture Analysis"
(Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1986).
``Prévision des textures de déformation en chemin complexe d'aciers
extra-doux à l'aide d'un modèle de Taylor hétérogène", Journées
d'Automne 1987 de la Société Française de Métallurgie. Résumé étendu
dans Mém. Et. Sci. Rev. Métall., Septembre 1987. (Communication orale
présentée par C. DONADILLE.)
``Derivation of anisotropic yield criteria from the texture function\,:
applications of an energy-based method", Colloque T.M.S.-A.I.M.E.
``Modelling of Anisotropic Material Behavior" (Chicago, 1988). Résumé
dans Journal of Metals 40, N° 7, A13-A13 (1988). (Communication orale
présentée par B. BACROIX.)
C10. M.A., ``Caractérisation
extrémale de la répartition des déformations dans un agrégat déformé
plastiquement", 23ème Colloque du Groupe Françcais de Rhéolo-gie
(Bordeaux, 1988). Actes (A. Gérard, J.-L. Lataillade, J. Pouyet,
éds.), pp. 15/1-10.
``Détermination d'un critère de résistance d'un mortier de fibres par
une homogénéisation en milieu aléatoire", Dixièmes Rencontres
Universitaires de Génie Civil (Cachan, 1992). (Communication orale
présentée par T. CHAMBARD.)
C12. M.A., T. CHAMBARD, S.
TURGEMAN, ``Homogénéisation d'un mortier à fibres d'acier réparties
aléatoirement", 11ème Congrès Françcais de Mécanique (Lille, 1993).
``Résistance limite d'un micro-béton renforcé par un réseau de fibres
orienté", Colloque Franco-Canadien sur les bétons de fibres (Béthune,
1994). (Communication orale présentée par A. BOTTERO.)
M.A., ``Un modèle variationnel pour les matériaux statistiquement
homogènes à potentiel. Prise en compte de la microstructure par une
étape d'homogénéisation périodique". Exposé aux groupes de travail
Mécamat ``Rhéologie des matériaux métalliques biphasés" et ``Approches
probabilistes en Mécanique des milieux hétérogènes", Ecole
Polytechnique, 1994.
C15. M.A., D. IMBAULT, ``Le modèle extrémal
hétérogène et son implantation pour le polycristal". Exposé aux groupes
de travail Mécamat ``Rhéologie des matériaux métalliques biphasés" et
``Approches probabilistes en Mécanique des milieux hétérogènes", Ecole
de Physique de Grenoble, 1995.
C16. M.A., A. BOTTERO, B.
GUESSAB, S. TURGEMAN, ``Détermination du critère de plasticité d'un
mortier renforcé de fibres métalliques", Actes du 2ème Colloque
Francophone sur les Bétons Renforcés de Fibres Métalliques, (J.-L.
Granju, F. Buyle-Bodin, M. Pigeon, éds.), Editions de l'INSA Toulouse,
pp. 255-266, 1996. (Communication présentée par B. GUESSAB.)
O. GAGLIARDINI, M.A., D. IMBAULT, ``Predicting the macroscopic
behaviour of anisotropic ice with a variational polycrystal model",
Actes de la ``4th European Mechanics of Materials Conference" (Metz,
2000) (E. Gautier, édr.), Ecole des Mines de Nancy, (9 pages), 2000.
(Communication orale présentée par O. GAGLIARDINI.)
S1. ``Relations entre les anisotropies de
structure et de comportement plastique dans les métaux",
Séminaire du groupe ``Mécanique des Milieux Continus" de
l'Institut de Mécanique de Grenoble, 1980.
S2. ``La puissance plastique dans le modèle de
Taylor et les modèles dérivés", Séminaire
de la coordination ``Microstructure et Comportement" du GRECO CNRS
``Grandes Déformations et Endommagement", Villetaneuse, 1985
(sur invitation).
S3. ``Lois de comportement anisotropes pour les
métaux. Relation avec la texture", Séminaire du Cemef,
Ecole des Mines de Paris (Sophia-Antipolis), 1988.
S4. ``Caractérisation extrémale de la
répartition des déformations plastiques dans un
agrégat", Séminaire du groupe ``Comportement
mécanique des solides" de l'Institut de Mécanique de
Grenoble, 1989.
S5. ``Structure du champ de déformation dans
un agrégat déformé de façon
macro-homogène", Séminaire du Laboratoire de
Métallurgie des Matériaux Polycristallins, Metz, 1989
(sur invitation).
S7. ``Modèle extrémal hétérogène et
principe d'entropie maximale pour le passage du macro vers le micro.
Application aux textures de déformation", Séminaire du
Pôle ``Matériaux" du Laboratoire 3S, Grenoble, 1998.
II. Gravitation, mécanique
quantique dans un champ de gravitation
A. Revues à comité de lecture / Refereed Journals
A8. M.A., " A theory of gravity as a pressure force. I. Newtonian space and time ", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Méc. Appl. 38, N° 1, 3-24, 1993. PDF version from scanning the printed paper (2.8 MBytes).
A9. M.A., " A theory of gravity as a pressure force. II. Lorentz contraction and ‘relativistic’ effects ", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Méc. Appl. 38, N° 2, 107-128, 1993. PDF version from scanning the printed paper (2.7 MBytes).
A15. M.A., "
Energy and equations of motion
in a tentative theory of gravity with a
privileged reference frame ", Arch. Mech. 48,
25-52, 1996. HTML version (Symbol characters
may be misinterpreted).
A16. M.A., " On the extension of Newton’s second law to theories of gravitation in curved space-time", Arch. Mech. 48, N°3, 551-576, 1996. HTML version (Symbol characters may be misinterpreted).
A18. M.A., " Scalar theory of gravity as a pressure force ", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Méc. Appl.42, N°1-2, 27-57, 1997. HTML version (Symbol characters may be misinterpreted). N.B.: the first version of this work (almost identical to the present one) dates back to end 1992, it is well anterior to [A15] and [A16].
A19. M.A., " Post-Newtonian approximation of a scalar theory of gravitation and application to light rays ", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Méc. Appl.. 43, N°2,135-153, 1998.
A20. M.A., " On the possibility of matter creation/destruction in a variable gravitational field ", Analele Universitatii Bucuresti - Fizica 47, 3-21, 1998. (Available as HAL: 01462037.)
A22. M.A., " On the relation Hamiltonian - wave equation, and on non-spreading solutions of Schrödinger’s equation ", il Nuovo Cimento 114B, N°1, 71-86, 1999.
A23. M.A., " Asymptotic expansions for relativistic celestial mechanics ", Romanian Journal of Physics, 45, N° 5-6, 389-414 (2000).
A25. M.A., "Motion of the mass centers in a scalar theory of gravitation. I. Definition of mass centers and general form of the equations of motion", Romanian Journal of Physics, 45, N° 9-10, 645-658 (2000).
A26. M.A., "Motion of the mass centers in a scalar theory of gravitation. II. Explicit equations of motion in the relevant approximation", Romanian Journal of Physics, 45, N° 9-10, 659-678 (2000).
A28. M.A., "Accelerated expansion as predicted by an ether theory of gravitation", Physics Essays 14, N°1, 10-32 (2001).
A29. M.A., "Comparison between two methods of post-Newtonian expansion for the motion in a weak Schwarzschild field", il Nuovo Cimento 116B, N°11, 1277-1290 (2001).
A30. M.A., "Proper initial conditions for long-term integrations of the solar system", Astronomy & Astrophysics 383, 729-737 (2002).
A31. M.A., "A numerical solution
of the inverse problem in classical celestial mechanics, with
application to Mercury's motion", Meccanica 39, 17-29
A32. M.A., ``Equations of motion of the mass centers in a scalar theory of gravitation: Expansion in the separation parameter", Romanian Journal of Physics, 48, N° 7-10, 805-820 (2003).
A33. M.A., ``Equations of motion of
the mass centers in a scalar theory of gravitation: the point particle
limit", Romanian Journal of Physics, 49, N° 7-8, 549-571 (2004).
A34. M.A., ``Gravitational effects on
light rays and binary pulsar energy loss in a scalar theory of gravity",
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 140 (1), 1011-1027
(2004) [Teoreticheskaya i
Matematicheskaya Fizika 140 (1), 139-159
A35. M.A., ``Space isotropy and weak
equivalence principle in a scalar theory of gravity", Brazilian
Journal of Physics 36, 177-189 (2006).
A36. M.A., ``Equations of motion according to the asymptotic post-Newtonian scheme for general relativity in the harmonic gauge", Physical Review D 72, 084002 (2005), 20 pages.
A37. M.A., ``Dirac
equation from the Hamiltonian and the case with a gravitational field",
Physics Letters 19
(3), 225-247 (2006).
A38. M.A., ``Post-Newtonian equation for the energy levels of a Dirac particle in a static metric", Physical Review D 74, 065017 (2006), 9 pages.
A39. M.A., ``Dirac-type equations in a
gravitational field, with vector wave function", Foundations
of Physics 38,
1020--1045 (2008).
A40. M.A., F.
Reifler, ``Dirac equation:
Representation independence and tensor transformation", Brazilian
Journal of Physics 38,
248-258 (2008).
A41. M.A., ``Main effects of the Earth's
rotation on the stationary states of ultra-cold neutrons", Physics Letters A 372, 2196-2200 (2008).
A42. M.A., F. Reifler, ``Basic quantum mechanics for three Dirac equations in a curved spacetime", Brazilian Journal of Physics 40, 242-255 (2010). (Also available as HAL preprint.)
A43. M.A., F. Reifler, ``A non-uniqueness problem of the Dirac theory in a curved spacetime", Annalen der Physik 523, 531 – 551 (2011)
A44. M.A., F. Reifler, ``General reference frames and their associated space manifolds", International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 8, No. 1, 155-165 (2011).
A45. M.A., F. Reifler, ``Four-vector vs. four-scalar representation of the Dirac wave function",International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 9, No. 4, 1250026 (2012) [23 pages] (Available as HAL preprint.)
A46. M.A., F. Reifler, ``Equivalent forms of Dirac equations in curved spacetimes and generalized de Broglie relations", Brazilian Journal of Physics 43, No. 1-2, 64-77 (2013). (Available as HAL preprint.)
A47. M.A., ``A solution of the non-uniqueness problem of the Dirac Hamiltonian and energy operators", Annalen der Physik 523, No. 12, 1008–1028 (2011). The accepted version can be downloaded from here. Pre-peer review version: arXiv:1107.4556v2 (gr-qc).
A48. M.A., ``A simpler solution of the non-uniqueness problem of the covariant Dirac theory", International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 10, No. 7, 1350027 (2013) [24 pages]. (Available as HAL preprint.)
A49. M.A., ``Should there be a spin-rotation coupling for a Dirac particle?", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 53, No. 6, 1993-2013 (2014). (Available as HAL preprint.)
A50. M.A., ``On the non-uniqueness problem of the covariant Dirac theory and the spin-rotation coupling", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52, No. 11, 4032–4044 (2013). (Available as HAL preprint.)
A51. M.A., ``Some remarks on quantum mechanics in a curved spacetime, especially for a Dirac particle", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54, No. 7, 2218-2235 (2015). (Available as HAL preprint.) Strongly related material: The story of a Comment related with the non-uniqueness problem of the Dirac Hamiltonian (unpublished document).
A52. M.A., ``Defining the space in a general spacetime", International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13, No. 3 (2016) 1650031 [30 pages] (available as HAL preprint).
A53. M.A., ``On the definition of energy for a continuum, its conservation laws, and the energy-momentum tensor", Review Article, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 9679460 (Open Access), 15 pages. (Also as HAL preprint.)
A54. M.A., ``Continuum dynamics and the electromagnetic field in the scalar ether theory of gravitation", Open Physics 14, 395–409 (2016) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A55. M.A., ``Is spacetime as physical as is space?", Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 46, 1-24 (2017) . (Available as HAL preprint.)
A56. M.A., ``Charge conservation in a gravitational field in the scalar ether theory", Open Physics 15, 877-890 (2017) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A57. M.A., ``On the equations of electrodynamics in a flat or a curved spacetime and a possible interaction energy", Open Physics 16, 488–498 (2018) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A58. M.A., ``Lorentz-invariant second-order tensors and an irreducible set of matrices", Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 50, 1-10 (2018). (Available as HAL preprint).
A59. M.A., R. W. Winkler, ``Motion of a test particle according to the scalar ether theory of gravitation and application to its celestial mechanics", Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung A 74, No 4, 305-316 (2019).
A60. M.A., ``An explicit representation for the axisymmetric solutions of the free Maxwell equations", Open Physics 18, 255--263 (2020) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A61. M.A., ``An analytical model for the Maxwell radiation field in an axially symmetric galaxy", Open Physics 19, 77-90 (2021) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A62. M.A., ``Spectral energy density in an axisymmetric galaxy as predicted by an analytical model for the Maxwell field", Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2021, article ID 5524600 (2021) (Open Access). (Also as HAL preprint.)
A63. M.A., ``Interstellar radiation as a Maxwell field: improved numerical scheme and application to the spectral energy density", Open Physics 21, 20220253 (2023) (17 pages). (Also as HAL preprint.)
the page Lorentz-Poincaré relativity and a scalar theory of
B. Actes de
congrès avec comité de lecture (Gravitation, MQ dans un champ de gravitation)
Refereed congress
proceedings (Gravitation, QM in a gravitational field)
B13. M.A., " Gravitation as a pressure force: a scalar ether theory ", Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. " Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory " (London, 1996), Supplementary Papers Volume (M.C. Duffy, edr.), British Soc. Philos. Sci./ University of Sunderland, 1998, pp. 1-27. HTML version (Symbol characters may be misinterpreted). PDF version: part 1. PDF version: part 2. PDF version: part 3. PDF version: part 4.
B15. M.A., " Remarks on the mathematical origin of wave mechanics and consequences for a quantum mechanics in a gravitational field ", 6th. Int. Conf. " Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory " (London, 1998), Proceedings (M.C. Duffy, edr.), British Soc. Philos. Sci. /Univ. of Sunderland, 1998, pp. 1-17.
B16. M.A., " On asymptotic approximations for celestial mechanics in relativistic theories of gravitation ", Semi-Plenary Lecture, 1999 Summer School "Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems", St Petersbourg, 1-8 Sept. 1999. Text appeared in the Proceedings (D.A. Indeitsev & V.A. Palmov, edrs., Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering / Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg).
B17. M.A., " The scalar ether-theory of gravitation and some implications ", Invited Lecture, 23rd. International Workshop on the Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory (Protvino, 21-23 Juin 2000), Proceedings (I. V. Filimonova & V. A. Petrov, eds.), Inst. for High Energy Physics, Protvino, 2000, pp. 200-210.
B18. M.A., " Weak-field approximation of a scalar theory of gravitation and the propagation effects of gravity, Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory VI, Late Papers (M.C. Duffy, edr.), British Soc. Philos. Sci. /Univ. of Sunderland, 2000, pp. 1-13.
B19. M.A., " On a scalar theory of gravitation", Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Roma, 2000), Proceedings (V. G. Gurzadyan, R. T. Jantzen, R. Ruffini, eds.), World Scientific, 2002, pp. 1084-1085.
B20. M.A., " Cosmology in a scalar ether theory of gravitation ", Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory VII (London, 2000), Proceedings (M.C. Duffy, edr.), British Soc. Philos. Sci. /Univ. of Sunderland, 2000, pp. 1-15.
B21. M.A., " The scalar ether-theory of gravitation and its first test in celestial mechanics ", 5th Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology, (João Pessoa, Brazil, 23-30 April 2002), Int. J. Mod. Phys. A17, 4203-4208 (2002).
B22. M.A., " Testing a theory of gravity in celestial mechanics: a new method and its first results for a scalar theory ", Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory VIII (London, 2002), Proceedings (M.C. Duffy, edr.), PD Publications, Liverpool, pp. 1-16, 2004.
B23. M.A., "Point-particle limit in a scalar theory of gravitation and the weak equivalence principle", 38th Rencontres de Moriond: "Gravitational waves and experimental gravity" (Les Arcs, France, March 2003), Proceedings (J. Dumarchez & J. Tran Thanh Van, eds.), The Gioi, Hanoi, pp. 377-382, 2004. Slides
B24. M.A., "Gravitational Energy Loss
and Binary Pulsars in the Scalar Ether-Theory of Gravitation",
in Beyond the Desert 2003, Proc. 4th Conf. on Particle
Physics Beyond the Standard Model (H. V.
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol. 92,
pp. 471-483, 2004.
B25. M.A., "Scalar ether theory of
gravity: a modification that seems needed", Physical
Interpretations of Relativity Theory IX (London, September 3-6,
2004), Proceedings
(M. C. Duffy, edr.), PD Publications,
Liverpool, pp. 1-7, 2004.
B26. M.A., "Scalar gravity with
preferred frame:
asymptotic post-Newtonian scheme and the weak equivalence
2nd Advanced Research Workshop "Gravity, Astrophysics and Strings at
the Black Sea"
(Kiten, Bulgaria, June 10-16, 2004), Proceedings
(P. Fiziev & M.
eds.), St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, pp. 1-16, 2005.
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the page Lorentz-Poincaré relativity and a scalar theory of